Crouzon Syndrome Treatment in Dallas, TX
Crouzon syndrome is a fairly rare condition that affects how the skull develops. The International Craniofacial Institute’s physicians are among the world’s leading experts in treating Crouzon syndrome.
What Is Crouzon Syndrome?
Crouzon syndrome refers to a condition caused by the premature closing of the gaps between the bones that make up the skull. These spaces are vital to ensure normal skull and internal tissue growth. The disorder is typically present at birth. However, the symptoms may not be immediately apparent. In addition to causing a unique appearance, children affected by the syndrome commonly experience a variety of problems stemming from the fact that the spaces or sutures are eliminated by the fusing of the bones.
How Do People Inherit Crouzon Syndrome?
Children may inherit the disorder from one or both parents. However, there are instances when a child has the syndrome due to a sporadic genetic alteration that neither parent possesses.
How Common Is Crouzon Syndrome?
The disorder is relatively rare and affects 1 in 25,000 people around the world.
Crouzon Syndrome Characteristics
Children born with Crouzon syndrome have a broad face because of an abnormally wide skull. However, when looking at the child from the side, the head region is noticeably narrower from front to back. The face has a flattened appearance as a result of underdeveloped cheekbones and lower jaw. Shallow eye sockets cause the eyes to bulge. The eyes are also set wider apart and may appear crossed or as if the child has a lazy eye. The upper lip often appears small, and children may have a cleft palate. The nose is generally smaller, beak-like, and slightly upturned. The ears are positioned lower than normal. The condition may also affect internal structures, which causes varying degrees of hearing impairment. In 5 to 10 percent of the cases, children also have dark, roughened folds of skin located in the armpits or groin.
What Is the Cause of Crouzon Syndrome?
Researchers believe that the genetic anomaly affects the FGFR-2 gene, which under normal conditions produces a protein that regulates when cells become mature bone cells or stops the transformation process. When this protein develops abnormally, cells receive incorrect information concerning growth and development. Cells in the skull region continue transforming into bone and join the bones together too soon.
Crouzon Syndrome Treatment
The physicians at the International Craniofacial Institute initially obtain a medical history and perform an extensive physical examination of the child to diagnose the syndrome correctly and create an individualized treatment plan based on the needs of the patient. Each child must be evaluated to determine how the disorder affects breathing, swallowing, speaking, and sensory function. Treatment plans, reconstruction, and other surgeries are typically carried out in stages that accommodate the growth patterns of the child. In this way, treatment modalities are timed correctly. Physicians are then also prepared for any unexpected changes that might occur.
Though the condition develops differently in each child, goals, in general, include ensuring that a child’s brain and associated sensory organs have ample room for growth and development. Treatment options include surgically opening fused sutures, mid-face advancements, corrective eye surgery, orthodontic correction, palate closures, and speech therapy.
Why Choose International Craniofacial Institute?
The International Craniofacial Institute in Dallas, Texas is a leading institute for the accurate diagnosis and quality treatment of Crouzon syndrome and other syndromes and conditions. Our institute was founded in 1971 by Dr. Kenneth Salyer, a surgeon. Today, the institute is organized and led by the director, Dr. David G. Genecov. Dr. Genecov operates the International Craniofacial Institute as one of the nation’s most prestigious centers for palate repair, craniofacial repair, and cleft lip repair.
At our institute, we train doctors and surgeons from all over the world. In addition, our doctors have treated more than 17000 patients. These patients come from the United States, as well as other countries.
To alter and correct craniofacial abnormalities and difficulties, a high skill set is demanded, and we have that here. Our doctors, surgeons and the rest of the staff are extremely knowledgeable and always up to date on the newest methods of diagnosis and treatment. Among all of our employees, we have decades of experience working with different syndromes, including Crouzon syndrome.
If you have a child or another family member who is suffering from a genetic syndrome or has a cleft lip, cleft palate, or craniofacial complication, the staff at the International Craniofacial Institute can help. Contact us today to talk with the doctors and staff about your options and how we can help.